Innocent Slider
Habimana Innocent
Innocent Slider
Innocent Story

Born and raised in Rubavu Sector, Innocent and his wife, Zawadi, have faced countless hurdles together since their marriage in 2009. Innocent's disability confines him to a wheelchair, and while the government provides them with a house with cement floors, the steep rocky hill leading to their property renders it nearly inaccessible.

Despite his physical limitations, Innocent remains determined to contribute to his family and community. Therefore, the urgent need for wheelchair accessibility in their new structure is crucial to ensure Innocent's inclusion and independence within his own home.

Zawadi, the sole breadwinner, toils tirelessly, picking vegetables on others' land for a meager daily wage of $1, all while shouldering the immense responsibility of providing for their family's needs. Despite their resilience, the family receives no support beyond the rent for their house, leaving them in dire need of assistance.

Yet amidst their hardships, the flame of hope burns bright as all of their children diligently pursue their education, dreaming of a better tomorrow. Let us extend our support to Innocent and his family and ensure that they receive the shelter and accessibility they so rightfully deserve.

Please considering donating to help build a wheelchair accessible home for Innocent and his family.

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Innocent (35), Zawadi (28), Hortance (14), Mugesha, (10), Docas (8), Innocent Theorie (5), Oscar (2)

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While the government rents a space for Innocent and his family, the rooms each have a large step making it impossible for Innocent to move around his home.

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Zawadi is the sole earner in the family and constantly worries about saving enough money for the children's school uniforms and supplies.

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Innocent must be carried by two people in his wheelchair to climb this steep driveway hill in order to reach the road.

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The families most valuable possessions are these few pots and cookstove.

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Inshuti has placed Innocent on our high-priority housing list. We are committed to providing a wheelchair accessible home to this family in 2025.

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